Friday, January 4, 2008

Brubaker's still got it.

Disillusioned with the fate of the Parker marriage and my girl Mary Jane Watson-Parker's place in future comics, I climbed into non-Spidey titles with hopes and fears. Was I to follow the path of good friends, in swearing to never deliver another penny to the sexist, unimaginative, tyrannical hands of our Marvel overlords? Or was there still someone out there taking into consideration my voice and opinions--acknowledging that, yes, I am heard and appreciated. Goshdarnit, even loved!?

It was with such a frame of mind that I read Captain America issue 33 and, lo, did these panels enter my line of sight:

Winter Soldier: Trained killer. One-armed. Chaotically inclined operative. Kind of (really) sexy.

Thank you, Ed Brubaker. Thank you for showcasing the opinions of this female reader in your comic. (And, Marvel, here's to you getting more of my money in 2008!)

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